Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tony Gilroy's last movie Michael Clayton was nominated for seven Academy Awards, this time he's back with a knotty, double cross, spy tale with a catch phrase lifted from CBS' "Survivor." Roberts and Owen play ex-spies hired by two rival corporate chief officers (both brilliantly played by Paul Giamatti and Tom Wilkinson) after an unpatented trade secret. The script may be a touch long, but thankfully there's not a ton of love story here, once you think a scene may be getting to mushy, Gilroy has Clive Owen say something absurd and break the seriousness. Owen is probably one of the ten best actors working today, but I just don't think Julia has it anymore. Someone else could have played the role better, I think Gwyenth Paltrow could have done it, or maybe if Anne Hathaway were a bit older, she would have been perfect. So far the most enjoyable movie of 2009....3 1/2 stars (of four).


  1. You're the second person to give it thumbs up so I'm going to try and see it soon. I agree that Clive Owen is a great actor, but for some reason some of my guy friends don't agree. I wonder what the hell Paltrow is doing?

  2. sad that the best movie so far in 2009 is just a 3 and 1/2 stars movie, guess I am not missing much by not going to the theater~~

  3. I haven't seen it yet, but looks really good. Your review was quite helpful.

  4. I have to agree with you, Julia Roberts is just not as sexy as she usec to be. I was actually unsure about this movie because of that. It also seemed like she was remaking her role from Oceans 11. I'll have to see this one.

  5. Because of Julia Roberts, I was going to wait for this one to be released on DVD. For some reason, she grates on my nerves now. I do love Clive Owen though and am glad that this movie seems to be doing well at the box office.

  6. I think that I'm going to see it tonight because I like Julia Roberts but it sounds like Mr. and Mrs. Smith to me.

